Driving license

Obviously you want to get your driving license! You can have driving lessons provided by English speaking instructors in Rotterdam/The Hague and surrounding.

When obtaining your driving license, you will come into contact with various organizations. First step is searching for a good driving school for your driving lessons. In addition you will have to take the theory exam and practical exam at the CBR. And when the end is in sight and you pass your driving license, you can eventually get your driver’s license from the municipality in your area.

autorijles Rotterdam

Choose your driving school

Getting your driving license is a big step towards independence. No more waiting for public transport or depending on others. The first step to get your driving license is to choose the right driving school. Driving school Concurrent is recognized by many clients as the best and affordable driving school.

Over the past 20 years, we have been able to train thousands of satisfied candidates to become safe drivers.


Getting your driving license means passing your theory exam and your practical exam. Both exams are conducted by the CBR. During your driving course you will visit the CBR on regular base. It is important to drive in the area where you are going to do the practical exam. This way the instructor can practice the exam routes with you. You will get to know the surroundings of the CBR better. And you know which situations can arise around the CBR where you will soon be going to get your driving license.

You can request the theory exam directly from the CBR or just call our customer services, if you like us to do it for you. The practical exam must be booked through the driving school. This can be done after you have paid for the exam, authorize the driving school and have an approved health certificate. If you have passed your driving license, the CBR will send your result to the RDW. Now you can apply for your driver’s license in the city hall.

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