Self-reflection form

Self-reflection form is necessary when taking an interim test and practical exam. It gives the CBR insight into how you as a future road user think about your own driving skills. At the end of your test or exam, the examiner will go through the self-reflection form. This has no influence whatsoever on result for obtaining the driving license.

CBR self-reflection form

After the driving school has requested your interim test CBR or practical exam CBR, you will receive an invitation for the test and / or practical exam and a self-reflection form by e-mail. You fill in the self-reflection form independently one day before the test or practical exam. On the self-reflection form you give yourself a score for the lesson components that you have learned during your driving lessons.

The form is a compulsory part of the test and / or practical exam. However, it has no influence on the result of your practical exam/test. The self-reflection form will be viewed by the examiner after the result of the test/exam has been discussed with you. The sole purpose of the self-reflection form is to give the examiner an idea of how you experience driving.

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